Booking Conditions
CANCELLATION BY YOU: Except for cancellations which come under the Covid 19 Flexible Cancellation Policy (see below), in the event you cancel your trip for any reason, the following conditions apply:
o Cancellation made at least 60-days prior to the scheduled departure date – we refund 50% of your deposit.
o Cancellation made between 60 and 30-days prior to the scheduled departure date – we refund 50% of the balance payment. We do not refund the deposit payment
o Cancellation made less than 30-days prior to scheduled departure date – we do not refund.
A cancellation will be effective from when Earth Sea Sky Travel receives written/email notification of the cancellation. This cancellation policy includes voluntary or involuntary early departure from a trip. No refunds will be given for missed or unused services such as accommodation, activities or meals. At the time of booking with us we strongly advise you to take out insurance that will cover cancellation fees.
If the cancellation due to a Force Majeure Event occurs after a trip has commenced, we will provide, pro-rata, a credit for the days that remain on your trip or refund minus unrecoverable costs of the days that remain on your trip.
Any credit resulting from a cancellation under this clause must be used within 2 years of the start of the trip date, is not redeemable for cash, and excludes all items you have booked directly.
In the event of any cancellation, there will be no claim for damages by either party against the other and we are not responsible for any incidental expenses that you may have incurred as a result of your booking including but not limited to visas, vaccinations, travel insurance excess or non-refundable flights.